5 Types of Tree Branches That You Should Remove From Your Tree

5 Types of Tree Branches That You Should Remove From Your Tree

20 May 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Pruning your trees in the correct manner can help to prolong their life by many years. Although trees can shed branches without the help of humans, they take a lot longer to do so by themselves. For instance, trees shed lower branches that no longer take in enough sunlight because they are shaded by upper branches. However, this process takes time.

If you wish to help your trees to remain strong and vital and to continue to give your property shade and beauty, keep them well pruned. You can prolong the life of your tree by pruning the following types of branches.

1. Dead Branches

Smaller tree branches that are heavily shaded by upper branches can no longer take in enough sunlight to provide the tree with sustenance. Therefore, they are using more sustenance than they can provide. Trees usually shed these branches. This is one reason you might see several dead branches throughout your tree's canopy.

It's a good idea to remove dead branches because they free up space and allow air to flow through the tree's canopy. Airflow helps provide trees with carbon dioxide, which is one of the compounds trees need to produce their own food.

2. Heavy Branches on One Side

If you notice that your tree has a large branch weighing it down on one side, consider removing that branch. When a tree is weighed down on one side by a large branch, there is a risk that it might fall over in that direction during a storm. Remove any especially large branches if they appear to be putting a strain on your tree.

3. Badly Damaged Branches

It can take a long time for a damaged branch to die. But before it dies, that branch will make the tree more susceptible to diseases and pests. Trees are especially at risk during autumn when they have little energy left over to repair damaged branches.

4. Diseased Branches

If you spot signs of disease on one of your tree's branches, such as leaf discolouration and wilt, then it's probably a good idea to call in an arborist to assess and remove that branch. One diseased branch can spread the disease to the rest of the tree if it isn't treated or removed quickly.

5. Branches Rubbing Against Each Other

Sometimes, branches grow so close together that they begin to rub against each other in windy conditions. This can harm both branches if the rubbing motion rubs the protective bark layer away. Without its bark, a tree's insides are exposed to the elements, diseases and pests such as carpenter ants. It's best to remove one of a pair of rubbing branches to prolong the tree's life.

Contact a local tree care service to learn more.